Anti-Radiation Stickers - Complete Guide [Updated 2023] - EMF Academy (2024)

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This is a really important post, so I wanted to take my time and make sure I got it right. Anti-radiation stickers, shields, neutralizers, etc are becoming more and more popular, and I think it’s time we talked a bit in-depth about how these products work, and what I think about them.

However, it’s honestly a bit difficult for me to do this, let me tell you why.

Anti-Radiation Stickers – Can We Trust Them? Do They Work?

In the last year alone, I have personally tested and reviewed over 70 different EMF Protection products. From cell phone and tablet cases to baby blankets and even boxer briefs, I’ve tested it all. Sometimes I buy the products, and sometimes they are sent to me by companies looking for my review (don’t worry, I never let this sway my opinion).

However, one product I’ve always had a hard time testing, are anti-radiation stickers of any kind. The concept here is that it is a sticker, with various technologies embedded inside, that theoretically helps protect the user from the EMF radiation emitted from their cell phone, tablet, laptop, and more.

The main problem for me when it comes to EMF protection stickers, shields, etc, is that I cannot easily test them. If you look at most of the products on my recommended products page, most of those are easy for me to test, and to understand how they provide protection.

Many of these products provide a physical barrier between the source of electromagnetic radiation and your body. This can be tested and proven fairly easily.

However, when it comes to anti-radiation stickers of any kind, this can’t really be done. We’ll talk a bit more about how the products work down below, but for the sake of this section, just trust that the concepts most of these companies mention can’t be tested by ordinary means (or at all).

On top of that, the fact that more and more people are waking up to the dangers of EMF radiation entices companies to enter the market with completely unproven, untested products.

So, not only do we have to battle difficult to understand ways that these products supposedly protect the user, but many of the companies lack any research or science whatsoever.

So, what I’m going to do in this guide, is go over some of the “best” and most popular EMF protection stickers on the market, and break each one down. We’ll talk about how it is supposed to work, what it’s made of, and I’ll give my general thoughts.

After I’ve gone over a bunch of these, I’ll go over what I think are better ways to protect yourself from cell phone radiation, tablets, laptops, and more.

Alright, let’s get started!

Best and Most Popular Anti-Radiation Stickers

Now, when I say “best,” I don’t necessarily mean they work the best because I can’t know that for certain. What I mean is that they are companies and products that have publicly available research and science showing their product does, or may, work.

There are such an enormous amount of products on the market, that I won’t even be able to get close to listing them all here. If you want information about any specific products not listed here, comment at the end of the post and I’ll do my best to give you my opinion.

Alright, let’s take a look at some products.

1. Aires Tech Lifetune Device (Best for Cell Phone Radiation)

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See the product on Aires Tech.
Read my full review
Aires Tech is a company that is doing some amazing things in the EMF protection space, and this is honestly one of the only anti-radiation “stickers” that I believe works and would recommend to friends and family (I use their products myself).

In fact, in 2021, Aires Tech renewed their entire line of products, including this one, to make them more effective against things like cell phone radiation, including 5G.

Although the Lifetune Device is, in my opinion, the best anti-radiation sticker for cell phones, its also effective on just about any electronic that emits EMF radiation, such as laptops, tablets, baby monitors, televisions, WiFi routers, or just about anything else.

This product, like the others in their line, has been fully tested to be effective in reducing the harmful radiation from 5G, including millimeter waves.

Specifically, Aires Tech has spent over 20 million dollars on research and development for their products.

On top of that, they have patents, and independent testing, and their research has been peer-reviewed and scientifically proven.

They even recently completed a really cool experiment conducted by a top neuroscience doctor where they tested how effective the Airestech devices were at protecting the brain, and the results were astounding. Watch this video to see what I’m talking about.

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So, even though I can’t personally test these products, more qualified people have, and say that they work exactly as intended.

So, this is not just another mobile phone sticker, this is a complicated piece of technology that actually does protect you from electromagnetic radiation, and just happens to stick to your iPhone (or any other electronic device)

In fact, many people put these on things like their laptop, cell phone, Bluetooth earpiece, monitor, TV, WiFi router, MacBook, or just about anything else that is going to emit EMF radiation.

The product works just like the other Lifetune products, but because it’s a smaller device, it also has a smaller range of 5 ft.

However, just because it’s small does not mean it’s not powerful. If you’re looking for protection from your specific electronics, then this is a great route to go. I have these on many of the electronics in my office.

You basically just place them on the device and then forget about it.

If you check out their website or the Amazon listing, you’ll also see that the customer reviews are excellent. So the product is clearly helping with something.

If you want to learn more about their products or pick some up for yourself, check out their current sale here.

2. Q-Link Clear – SRT Technology

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Get the product here.

Q-link has quickly gained my respect for making some really unique products that not only help protect from cell phone radiation, but also strengthen the body.

If you’ve had the chance to look at my recommended products page, you’ll notice that my recommended EMF protection pendant is also from Q-link. Although like I talk about in this article, I can’t know for certain that these products work, I do have confidence in Q-link as a company.

Not only do they have quite a bit of research, but the company has also been around for a long time. Their products have been trusted and worn by celebrities, doctors, professional athletes, and just about everyone else.

Getting back on topic, they also make one of the most popular anti-radiation stickers available on the market, called the Q-Link Clear (you’ll find it on their website under Shop > For Devices).

Like most of their products, the Q-Link Clear utilizes Q-links proprietary SRT technology, which you can read more about on their website.

Using the product is extremely simple, you essentially just affix it to your phone or phone case. However, you can also use it on things like iPads, tablets, e-readers, and just about any other device you want protection from.

We have purchased multiple 5 packs bundles and placed them all over our home on many devices. Although we still use EMF protection cases from Defendershield, we figure it can’t hurt to be doubly protected!

If you want to learn more about Q-links products, check out their website here.

3. Aulterra Neutralizer

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Aulterra has a whole line of EMF protection products, with this and their whole house plug being their flagships. If you want to read all about the company, the founder (interesting story), and read reviews of all their products, you can check out the post I wrote here.

There are a few reasons why I’m talking about the Aulterra Neutralizer first, and why I have respect for their company and product:

  1. They have been making EMF products since 1997, that’s 23 years!
  2. They have a U.S. patent on their technology
  3. Research on the Aulterra Neutralizer has been published in scientific research journals.
  4. They have over 30 separate pieces of research on their products, everything from University studies to independent labs, all of which is available on their website.

All of this tells me that this product is, at the very least, worth a try. Any company that has been around LONG before EMF protection products were trendy, tells me they really care. I also think it’s incredible the amount of money and time they have spent on research and development.

How Does The Aulterra Neutralizer Work?

This is where It gets difficult for me to test or know for sure that it is working. Here is what Aulterra essentially says about how the product works:

The Aulterra Neutralizer uses rare paramagnetic minerals to retune the EMF radiation frequencies and transmute the harmful energy from modern devices. This retuning makes the EMF radiation no longer harmful to the human body.

Inside the Aulterra Neutralizer are three micro-thin layers of paramagnetic minerals that offer powerful EMF neutralizing technology.

The naturally occurring coherent fields from the Aulterra minerals are able to completely harmonize the incoherent electromagnetic pulses from mobiles phones, and return them to coherent and natural frequencies, which are no longer able to harm biological systems.

So, although I can at least wrap my head around how this would work theoretically, I’m not able to test it. I currently own 7 different EMF meters, but none of them will show any sort of reduction from this product.

That is because it doesn’t technically reduce, remove, or block the EMF radiation, but instead changes it.

The only way to know if this product is really working is to test it for yourself. They have plenty of reviews on their website from people who could feel a difference right away, and that is something I can get behind. If you are electromagnetically sensitive (usually called EHS, read more here), then you will likely be able to simply feel if a product is working for you, and providing protection and relief.

However, if you’re like me, and concerned but not overly sensitive to EMF radiation, then that won’t be the case. Instead, I would just have to rely on the, albeit impressive amount of, research Aulterra provides.

If you’re interested in Aulterra, they have a full range of products beyond their radiation protection stickers, including plugins for your car, and for your home (to protect against things like WiFi routers, etc.)

4. Earthcalm Quantum Cell

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See the product on
I get emails all the time from people asking my thoughts on Earthcalm’s products, and probably for good reason. Earthcalm has been a big player in the EMF protection space for a while and has gained a huge following.

They have a variety of products, but the one I want to focus on here is their Quantum cell, which is their version of an anti-radiation sticker.

Like the Aulterra Neutralizer, and the Quanthor product, the Earthcalm Quantum cell is also an extremely thin sticker that you can place on your cell phone, tablet, wireless device, or even your vehicle.

How Does The Earthcalm Quantum Cell Work?

Earthcalms own research has shown that the Quantum cell:

…effectively reverses the damaging effects of EMFs, and it also increases the conductivity of human DNA. It is because of this fact that we view our Quantum Cell as a critical addition to absolutely anything that produces RF and microwave radiation.

The way it accomplishes this is through a proprietary effect called “Mirror Resonance Technology” (MRT). MRT works through “precise placements of mirroring and oscillating circuits.”

These circuits work like antennae and are able to amplify natural energies around you. When our bodies are more energized in this way, our bodies built up a resonance that reduces the harmful effects of EMFs.

I’ll be honest, even after reading all the documentation available on their website, I still don’t fully understand it.

However, I am impressed with some of the research that they have available on their site. One thing that I found of personal interest after reading research on all of these different anti-radiation stickers, is that two researchers: Dr. Glen Rein, and Dr. Lisa Tully showed up more than once. Specifically, they were both listed in the Research of the Aulterra Neutralizer, and the Earthcalm Quantum Cell.

In the end, I can’t really say whether this product works or not, however, they have a wealth of reviews that feel it does. Check out the research and reviews for yourself if you’re interested in trying out the Earthcalm Quantum Cell.

5. Quanthor Tesla Technology EMF Protection Sticker

See the product on Amazon.
I’ve talked about Quanthor’s products before, in fact, you can check out my full review of their product line here.

But, for this post, I want to focus on one of their products, the Quanthor EMF protection sticker.

Let’s talk about how this product is supposed to work.

Anti-Radiation Stickers - Complete Guide [Updated 2023] - EMF Academy (7)

As you can see from the image to the right, the Quanthor 360 (as they call it) contains 5 minerals:

  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Jade
  • Magnesium
  • Zirconium

Quanthor says that the combination of these semi-precious minerals contains special oxides and magnetic properties (perhaps like the paramagnetic properties of the Aulterra product) that when precisely balanced, protect the body from EMF radiation.

Like some of the other Quanthor products, this anti-radiation sticker is also generating negative ions which help:

  • Improve Blood Flow
  • Balance Chemicals
  • and Relieve Stress

The sticker is also supposed to generate its own Schumann Resonance (7.83hz) which provides healing energy to the body.

Like the Aulterra Neutralizer, the product couldn’t be simpler to use, you just apply the adhesive disk to the back of your phone, and you are supposed to be protected.

I can’t vouch for whether or not this product works, so I’ll just mention some of the reasons I placed it high on my “Best anti-radiation sticker” list.

  • The California Institute of Electronics and Materials Science stated that their products do in fact offer substantial EMF protection (see the award here.)
  • In 2005 at the International Exhibition of Inventika, was awarded “Best EMF Protection Field”
  • Was granted A U.S. patent for their EMF protection and bio-healing technologies.

They are also a company that has been around a while and seems to take pride in their products, research, and customer service.

6. Energydots smartDOT EMF Protection Stickeres

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Check the current price on Amazon.
The smartDOTS by energy dots are an emf radiation blocker sticker that has been around on the market for a while and have been well-reviewed. They claim that it is an emf harmony device and that the “smartDOT sticker helps to protect you by retuning these unnatural frequencies at the source.”

The smartDOT is supposed to be able to do this because a magnetic DOT which is programmed with a recipe of natural frequencies, interacts with the actual EMF waves that are damaging your health and makes them safer.

They also seem to claim that their EMF harmonizer product offers a sort of “digital detox” which keeps the body in good health and can improve mood and give a boost of energy. Now, I have a bit of a hard time believing in these “emf harmony products.” That isn’t to say that they can’t work, but it’s really hard for me to know if they provide effective protection.

The product is really simple to use, you essentially peel off the white film and attach the sticker to the bottom of the back of your phone (or any other device you might be using).

Related Questions

We’ve covered quite a bit in this article already, but there are a few more things about these “radiation blocker stickers” that I want to cover that I think are really important.

If after you’ve read through everything, you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I’ll do everything I can to help.

Do Anti-Radiation or EMF Protection Stickers Work?

Like I talked about at the beginning of the article, this is a difficult question to answer, and it really depends on the product. I can’t personally verify that these products work with the equipment and expertise that I have.

So, if you’re going to try to determine which ones are scams, and which ones actually do something to prevent or reduce harmful radiation, you’ll have to trust the available published research to make your determination.

Or, if you happen to be more sensitive to electromagnetic waves, you may feel a difference, in which case it may be worth just purchasing a few different EMF shields and testing them for yourself.

I’ll also mention here that these are fairly new products to the market, and the general consensus, at least amount scientists, is that things like smartDOT stickers or other anti-radiation stickers probably do not work. The FTC, or Federal Trade Commission, released a statement specifically saying that they did not believe that these anti-radiation or emf protection stickers worked.

This is mostly because there was no clear scientific evidence or scientific proof that they worked, and they were worried that new companies would continue to pop up making false claims about how effective their products were.

Now, it is my opinion that since this came out, new products have entered the EMF protection market that likely do work, such as the Aires Tech Device, which I believe has been shown to be effective, but you can check out this video, along with their research, and make up your opinion for yourself.

Where Do I Stick Anti-Radiation Stickers On An iPhone?

Determining where to place an anti-radiation sticker on a mobile phone as the iPhone depends on the anti-emf product you purchased, and the phone you’re dealing with. Some manufacturers recommend simply placing the sticker on the back of the phone, directly in the middle, and this is what I usually recommend to people.

If the device does what it claims to do, then it should be able to block or neutralize the electromagnetic fields from this location.

However, I have come across some EMF protection stickers that recommend placing them next to the antenna, which is typically either in the top right or top left of the phone.

However, you should do a search for your specific phone in order to know exactly where the antenna is.

For example, the new iPhone 12 that is 5G compatible has a small groove on the right side of the phone, which happens to be the phone’s independent 5G mmWave antenna.

What About All The Other Anti-Radiation Stickers on Amazon?

There are way too many EMF protection stickers, diodes, discs, shields etc. available for me to cover each one individually. Some of the other products, just like these, may indeed work. You’ll see products labeled with things like “cell-phone sticker,” or “anti-radiation shield sticker,” or “quantum shield” or “anti-radiation protector sticker;” I could go on and on.

Unfortunately for these products, they are flooded alongside the dozens of other products that have entered the market in the last few years that are certainly not real.

Don’t trust the claims without real research to back it up. Most of these other anti-radiation stickers have absolutely nothing to back them up except ridiculous claims. Many of these products are purchased in China, and then just given different labels once they reach their destination.

If you have a specific product you believe in, or feel has quality research to back up the claims, be sure to let me know in the comments so I can look into it.

Do Apple Watch Radiation Blockers Work?

It is difficult to know whether products designed to protect against the EMF radiation emitted from Apple watches are effective. However, it makes sense that this would be a concern or question, as Apple Watches do emit a fairly high amount of EMF radiation. In fact, I’ve written an entire guide talking about Apple Watch EMF radiation and how you can reduce your exposure (including a few recommended products).

However, there isn’t really a radiation “blocker” for apple watches, as any product that would be able to block the radiation coming from the device, would either have to entirely block the screen or would have to block the sensors on the bottom of the watch or both. Either way, you might be blocking the EMF radiation, but you’d also be rendering the Apple watch essentially useless.

If you want to read more about how much EMF radiation Apple Watches emit, how you can reduce your exposure, etc. be sure to check out my full article.

What Should I Use Instead of an Anti-Radiation Sticker?

I personally use and recommend the Defendershield EMF Protection cell phone case, you can check out my full review of their product here.

I think that is the best product on the market, but any quality EMF protection case I believe will protect you far greater than any anti-radiation sticker. These cases provide a physical barrier between the source of radiation, and you’re head.

Usually, they have a front flap that you close before you make or receive a phone call, and it deflects the radiation away from you, protecting your head.

The other thing I would suggest you do is check out my post on reducing your exposure to smartphone radiation. It has 17 different ways to lower your exposure to EMF radiation from any smartphone, and it has a ton of great tips.

Final Thoughts on Anti-Radiation Stickers

I certainly think there are EMF protection stickers on the market that could very well work. I just can’t test them to know for sure. Ultimately you have to rely on research, reviews, and your own experience.

I hope you found this article helpful, as I learn more about how these technologies work, I’ll continue to update this post with what I know.


Anti-Radiation Stickers - Complete Guide [Updated 2023] - EMF Academy (2024)
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