Autumn 2010 No. 49 - Understorey Network · bee flies (Bombyliidae), bow flies (Calliphoridae), hover flies (Syrphidae), soldier flies (Stratiomyidae), bristle flies (Tachinidae), - [PDF Document] (2024)

Autumn 2010 No. 49 - Understorey Network· bee flies (Bombyliidae), bow flies (Calliphoridae), hover flies (Syrphidae), soldier flies (Stratiomyidae), bristle flies (Tachinidae), - [PDF Document] (1)

Autumn 2010 No. 49

Contact Details

Enquiries, newsletter articles and member-ships to: Oliver Strutt or Natalie Holman Understorey Network Coordinators

Phone: (03 ) 6234 4286 Mobile: 0407 352 479 [emailprotected] (Natalie)

[emailprotected] (Oliver) PO Box 4535 Bathurst Street HOBART 7000 Office: 148B Elizabeth Street HOBART 7001

Committee Members President: Anne Griffiths Vice-President: Joan Rodrigues Secretary: Mary Jolly Treasurer: Rupert Manners Committee members: Brian Griffiths Warner Wait Amanda Cole Susan Friend De Deegan Martin O‘Bryan Editor: Gillian Shannon Visit our website and the Plant Propagation Database:


2 Welcome to the Coordinators

3 Our Little Pollen Porters Pt.1 Phil Watson

6 The Orange Bellied Parrot Project on King

Island Ruth Mollison Propagation Pointers 7 North East Understorey News Alison Hugo 8 Bush Tucker at St Helens

Coordinators’ Report Since commencing work as coordinators in February we have jumped in at the deep end. With two major projects (KidsCare for Tasmania’s Coasts, and Bruny Island Biodiversity on Farms), contracts with Cradle Coast Natural Resources Management (NRM) and NRM South, workshops to deliver, and funding rounds to submit applications for, it has been rather busy. We look forward to settling into our roles, streamlining procedures, doing some strategic planning, and getting out and about to meet more Understorey Network mem-bers. The summer has been fairly fruitful for seed collection, having had workshops in Kettering, Oyster Cove, Clifton Beach, Mornington, Mortimer Bay, Primrose Sands and Hobart we took the opportunity of collecting seeds while travelling around. It is not too late to con-tinue collecting a few species. If you are out and about please gather some seed, and send them in, especially if you are in the North or North-West. It is nearing the time of year for propagation work-shops, with several planned around the State. Work-shops in schools provide classes on growing plants either for the school grounds or for local revegetation projects. The Bruny Island project will also involve propagation workshops, with participants growing plants for farms on the Island with the aim of balancing productivity with biodiversity conservation. The Tolosa Community Nursery continues to be de-velop. Thanks to a grant from the Department of Health and Human Services Community Support Levy, Glenor-chy City Council and Aurora Energy, power has now been connected. We are planning to increase the out-put of plants grown at the nursery for projects, promot-ing opportunities for volunteers to get involved and using it more as a training facility. We aim to a continue to develop the facilities and display garden. Being new coordinators, we have a lot to learn and we are open to any ideas or suggestions about how the organisation should operate and how we can better support members. Please do not hesitate to get in touch.

We believe it will be a great year for the Understorey

Network with new ideas and energy, and plenty of op-

portunities to promote, preserve, protect and rehabili-

tate native vegetation across Tasmania.

Oliver Strutt and Natalie Holman

………..promoting, preserving, protecting and rehabilitating native vegetation

Autumn 2010 No. 49 - Understorey Network· bee flies (Bombyliidae), bow flies (Calliphoridae), hover flies (Syrphidae), soldier flies (Stratiomyidae), bristle flies (Tachinidae), - [PDF Document] (2)


WELCOME The Understorey Network would like to welcome our new job sharing coordinators, Oliver Strutt and Natalie Holman. Many of you would know that Oliver has worked with the USN as a Project Officer, but we wel-come him in the new role as coordinator with Natalie. Since graduating from the UTAS with a Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Stud-ies degree and a Graduate Certificate in Environmental Studies, Oliver has worked with the Tas-manian Land and Water Professionals and with the Southern Coastcare Association of Tasma-nia (SCAT). He also volunteers for Wildcare. Oliver enjoys bushwalking, gardening and wood-working. His jewellery toured with the Art from the Understorey exhibition during 2009 and will be on show at the final exhibition at the Wilderness Society Shop and Galleria from April 1


We would also like to welcome Natalie as a coordinator of the USN. Natalie has a Bachelor of Science and a Graduate Diploma in Environmental Studies from UTAS. She has previously worked in natural resource management in Tasmania with a variety of Government organisa-tions, community groups and individuals as a consultant, Landcare Officer, Landcare coordina-tor and project manager. Natalie enjoys gardening, bushwalking, botanising, camping, fishing, swimming, cooking, snorkeling, reading and parenting. On behalf of all USN members we hope that you both have an enjoyable time working for the USN and that many members will get to work and learn from you during your time with us.

Anne Griffiths PRESIDENT

Autumn 2010 No. 49 - Understorey Network· bee flies (Bombyliidae), bow flies (Calliphoridae), hover flies (Syrphidae), soldier flies (Stratiomyidae), bristle flies (Tachinidae), - [PDF Document] (3)


by Phil Watson PART 1 This Insect pollination article is the third in a tril-ogy of pollination articles, with the previous two exploring wind and water pollination as well as the roles bees, mammals and birds play in the plant‟s mating game! Part 2 of „Our Little Pollen Porters‟, will feature in the “Winter Newsletter” and will look at beetles, as well as butterflies and moths.

It is not until one sees a swarm of insects busily work-ing sweetly scented, nectar filled blooms such as the prickly box (Bursaria spinosa) that one realises there are a myriad of insect enlisted in the pollination service. To ensure the plants are able to attract the pollen por-ters they are endowed with curious features. These are no better exemplified than by our Tasmanian orchids. Examples of these characteristics include the sweet scent of red beaks (Lyperanthus suaveolens) and bearded midge orchid (Genoplesium morrisii). The female pheromone attractants of the tailed spider or-chid (Caladenia caudate) and copper beard orchid (Calochilus campestris) also attract pollen porters as does the deceptive pseudo-pollen of the potato orchid (Gastrodia procera). The mimicry of nearby native bush pea flowers and native iriods as well as the leopard orchid (Diuris pardina) and rainbow sun orchid (Thelymitra polychrome). The rich nectar pools deep within the throat of the pink autumn orchid‘s labellum (Eriochilus cucullatus) and the bold colours of the wax-lip orchid (Glossodia major) also attract pollen porters. Pollinating insects have also evolved specialised attrib-utes such as eye receptors capable of seeing the far end of the UV spectrum and sensitive smell receptors. As a consequence, where we only detect scentless white flowers of the sweet hounds tongue (Cynoglossum suaveolens), the insects perceive them as pale blue with dark maroon nectar guides emitting sweet scent.

WHEN THE SUN DOESN’T SHINE Some plants particularly orchids have developed a default self-pollination option when their pollen porters are absent or go on strike. Sensitive orchids prefer not to waste their energy by flowering when dull, cool or windy conditions suggest their pollinators will remain dormant. Some orchids such as the slender sun orchid (Thelymitra pauciflora) can self pollinate without open-ing (cleistogamy) if the weather remains cool and over-cast. Others may open normally, but revert to self-pollination if their pollen porters fail to visit the open flower. This process (autogamy) is common amongst the onion orchids (Microtis sp.) and the diminutive, cryptic beech orchid (Townsonia viridus), which hides within the litter on mossy forest floors.

TRIGGER PLANTS GIVE POLLINATORS A THUMPING GOOD TIME Deservedly, the 200 odd species (surprisingly, the world‘s 7th largest genus)1 of mostly Australian trigger plants (Stylidium sp.) are one of our most appreciated floral heirlooms. They vary from the pygmy trigger plant (S. calcaratum) located on freezing mountain tops to 1.5m high tree trigger plants (S. laricifolium) situated in steamy Queensland billabongs to climbing trigger plants (S. scandens) sited in SW Western Australia coastal heath lands. Each species is designed to target endemic flies, bees, wasps or beetles as pollinators. Although nature loving kids and adults have been fasci-nated by the flipping of its trigger few fully understand the trigger mechanism. The trigger is actually a motile column (also characteristic of many orchids) consisting of the fusion of the male‘s filament and the female‘s style. This brings the anther and stigma lovingly close together on the column‘s tip. Critical to the accuracy of the column‘s movement, is its ability to always flip in the same way irrespective from where the trigger stimulus occurred. This movement is termed seisomo-nastic. As a consequence of each trigger plant species being able to arrange their 4 petals and the labellum (small modified 5th petal) to form a uniquely orientated landing platform, the column is able to direct its seisomonastic precision to strike each visitor with pin point accuracy. In the early stages of flowering, once the unsuspecting insect is lured into position, the column‘s tip dabs the insect with pollen. Once the flower ages the stigma becomes receptive on the column‘s tip as the pollen dries up, collecting only pollen from insects which have visited fellow species, thereby limiting hybridisation. Their intriguing life history is not complete without men-tioning their carnivorous behaviour. Trigger plant flower stems are covered with minute glandular hairs tipped with glistening drops of gluey mucilage, akin to sun-dews (Drosera sp.). These are designed to trap and digest very small, non-pollinating, insects which give them a nutritious boost. This invigorates them to grow taller in the nutrient depleted soils, increasing the likeli-hood of visits from pollinating insects.

Pollinators do it with Style-worts Another intriguing Trigger plant genus includes ten, bright pink flowering, ephermal species of styleworts including the possibly extinct Tasmanian hairy style-wort (Levenhookia dubia). The group‘s less sophisti-cated pollination process employs a large touch sensi-tive labellum. It reacts, like the column of the trigger plant when stimulated by the appropriately sized insect. This in turn releases the co*cked stamen to strike at the insect. Unlike the true trigger plants, they do not have mechanism to reset themselves. The stylewort‘s lower order of refinement is also demonstrated by its reliance on the pure chance that a pollen-laden insect will brush past and transfer pollen onto the sticky stigma before departing.



Darnowski Douglas W., Triggerplants Rosenberg Publications


Autumn 2010 No. 49 - Understorey Network· bee flies (Bombyliidae), bow flies (Calliphoridae), hover flies (Syrphidae), soldier flies (Stratiomyidae), bristle flies (Tachinidae), - [PDF Document] (4)


FLIES, GNATS, MIDGES AND MOSQUITOS Long tongued flies pollinate geraniums and irises The remarkable long-proboscis of the South African flies whose needle-like mouth part are up to 70 mm or 4 times their body length are one of nature‘s curiosi-ties. Without an ability to retract their prodigious ap-pendage, they are committed to fly with them ex-tended forward or tucked loosely below their bodies. Due to millennia of co-evolution each fly‘s proboscis perfectly matches the curvature and length of their pollinating plant‘s deep floral tubes (hypanthium), giv-ing it exclusive rights to the sweet nectar. Classic rhinomyophily pollination stories include the relation-ship between two species of horseflies (Tabanidae) and several tangled–veined flies (Nemestrinidae) with some of South Africa‘s floral gifts to the world, namely the geraniums (Pelargonium sp.). and well known genera from the iris family namely (Gladiolus), (Babiana), (Sparaxis), (Homeria) and (Ixia). As a re-sult of their vividly coloured flowers and bold nectar guides many of these species are flower garden fa-vourites in South-East Australia. Others are environ-mental weeds. Luckily without the S. African flies here to open-pollinate these weeds no vigorous new hy-brids will arise. However in S. Africa the future of these finely tuned life cycles seems extremely tenu-ous and risky. Short tongued flies are attracted to putrid scents The adults of short tongued flies such as the hovering bee flies (Bombyliidae), bow flies (Calliphoridae), hover flies (Syrphidae), soldier flies (Stratiomyidae), bristle flies (Tachinidae), march flies (Tabanidae) and wasp-mimicking flies (Stylogaster sp.), along with mosquitoes, are known pollen porters servicing a wide range of promiscuous indigenous plants, particularly the daisy and myrtle family. They are also known for their biting and predatory natures as well as a fond-ness for rotting vegetation or flesh. To take advan-tage of their piercing and sucking mouth parts adult flies seek out decaying flesh, livid-coloured, rotting vegetation and shallow nectar bearing flowers. Fly pollination (sapromyophily) can also be carried out when blowflies, attracted by putrid smelling floral mim-ics, seeks out egg laying sites. A champion example is the brown and yellow spring flowering stinking roger (Hakea denticulate) which smells like rotting wallaby. The slender, dark coloured midge orchids (Genoplesium sp.) as obligate seeders actively seek to attract small bee flies. They employ their fruity fra-grant, sweet nectar bearing, upside down flowers crowded into dense terminal spikes, and an ability to rapidly flower in recent burnt or cleared areas. To aid with their seed dispersal the pollinated flower stalks elongate well above their surrounds. In wetlands, species of pennywort (Hydrocotyle sp.) and cape pondweed (Aponogeton distachyos) are frequented by hoverflies, whose larvae parasitise earthworms. If you have been attacked by blood thirsty female midges, flies or mosquitos which skim between flowers on a wetlands‘ surface, be consoled by the fact that your blood has enabled their breeding cycle to be completed!

Orchids love affair with fungus gnats For similar reasons to those that attract flies, the hel-met orchid (Corybus recurvus) entices fungus gnats (family Mycetophilidae) (Jones 1970) to their ground hugging, fungus–like dull green and red flowers. They employ their fungus-scented flowers to mimic the small fruiting bodies of fungi which provide larval food for the gnats. Once pollinated the flower shrivels and then rises on an elongated stalk blocking further polli-nation. Other examples are the colony forming mos-quito orchid (Acianthus pusillus) and mayfly orchid (Acianthus caudatus), which attract small gnats by nectar incentives and the strong musty odour they emit on warm days. Alternatively, as a back up, they can just self pollinate! Some of the well known greenhoods (Pterostylis spp.) emit alluring pheromones of the female fungus gnats or, less commonly, of a mosquito species. This is in-tended to entice the male onto the co*cked elastic la-bellum. Once triggered the labellum flips inwards en-capsulating the insect inside the flower. In its frantic attempts to escape, the gnat initially brushes its pollen load onto the stigma before being directed by colum-nar wings to be pollen dusted and finally set free. As a testament to their very short memories and the power of the pollination process they soon suffer a repeat episode. The search for fairy lantern’s pollinators The virtually subterranean fairy lanterns (Thismia rod-wayi) have bright, small, fleshy red and orange tubular flowers. These cryptically emerge in spring above their leafy forested soil layer in a concerted attempt to attract pollinators. Fairy lanterns pollination ecology, like many other species, still requires significant re-search to be fully understood. Current investigations by dedicated researchers (Mark Wapstra, Brian French, Noel Davies, Julianne O‘Reilly-Wapstra and David Peters) have revealed some of the fundamen-tals which can help solve this pollination mystery. Weirdly, for a forest floor dweller, a detectable odour akin to rotten fish was detected in laboratory condi-tions, suggesting it has the potential to be pollinated by flies. This observation is supported by studies of (Thismia clandestinus). This species is similar in na-ture to the huge, fly pollinated tropical species of Raf-flesia, whose smell and visual clues deceive flies with the false offer of food and a safe breeding site. Other observations have revealed holes in the fairy lanterns floral tube walls and minute soil or faecal deposits presumably from small insects. Chemical analysis of the volatile scent compounds add further complexity to the puzzle in that they are not typical of the fishy odour scent but rather have been implicated in behav-ioural responses in pollinators such as termites, ants, wasps, springtails, beetles and flies. In summary, the jury is still out on the fairy lantern‘s pollinator and awaiting further research.


Autumn 2010 No. 49 - Understorey Network· bee flies (Bombyliidae), bow flies (Calliphoridae), hover flies (Syrphidae), soldier flies (Stratiomyidae), bristle flies (Tachinidae), - [PDF Document] (5)


WASPS, SAWFLIES AND ANTS Orchids frustrate stupid thynnid wasps It has been know for some time that worldwide, terres-trial orchids apply a classic form of mimicry to achieve pollination by balancing a multitude of common plant derived compounds to imitate sexy female wasps. Re-cently it has been revealed that many of the Australian terrestrial orchids employ only one chemical compound to mimic a single pheromone to fool just one species of wasp2. This makes these orchids fully dependant on the targeted species of wasp thus forming a 1:1 rela-tionship. Examples mentioned in this recent research revelation by Dr Rod Peakall include the broad-lip bird orchid (Chiloglottis trapeziformis). Other orchids which attract the wasps without rewarding them include the duck orchids (Caleana spp)., elbow orchids (Thynninorchis spp). and spider-orchids (Caladenia spp). Really this is a bad news story from the wasp‘s per-spective as he turns up fairly randy to the female wasp impersonator and finishes up totally frustrated. How-ever many male thynnids do successfully contribute their part in the wasp life cycle. This starts with the flightless female wasp emerging from her underground cell and climbing up on a grass stalk or low shrub. Here, posing with erect antennae, she releases a pheromone unique to her species. If he is not tricked by an orchid mimicking the female, the male is able to fly off and mate with her on the wing. The female is fully reliant on the male to supply her food during this journey. If the male wasp has been tricked, he instead seizes an elasticised labellum caus-ing him to be thrown into the pollen-dusted column tip, satisfying the orchid‘s pollination but not the frustrated wasp! Alternatively the happy couple finally part company with the gentleman wasp being a new age guy relocat-ing her back to the original site. Here, the pregnant mum burrows underground where she parasitises scarab beetle larva (corbie or curl grubs) by directing the long proboscis to inject her eggs. Like the orchid, the parasitising wasps show no sympathy in their re-production game. Interestingly, to reduce the sex com-petition from the actual female wasps, records indicate

that many of the thynnid wasp-pollinated or-chids flower just before the fe-males emerge. Despite this sex-ual baiting proc-ess, being ap-parently a risky, extinction-threatening evo-lutionary strat-egy to both the cheating plant and fooled wasp,

it is common amongst, 150 possibly 300, species of Australian terrestrial orchids. The orchids benefit by not making nectar and conserving pollen. Unfortunately for the orchid the wasp stays on the flower for

only a millisecond before perceiving the orchid‘s trick-ery. Rarely are the sucked-in wasps sufficiently stimu-lated by the chemical pheromone to actually attempt to mate! In recognition of the thynnids as a key wasp spe-cies in the pollination game the reclassification of the elbow orchids resulted in them being renamed Thynni-norchis, including (T. huntiana) and (T. nothofa*gicola), to highlight their symbiotic relationship with the thynnid wasps. Nectar feeding wasps are busy pollinators The stoutly built, hairy, black and orange coloured na-tive flower wasps and dark blue bluebottle wasps (family Tiphiidae) feed on and pollinate eucalyptus blossoms. Few other species are attracted to the bearded orchid (Calochilus herbaceous). The orchid employs sexual enticements of its pheromone scent and pairs of eye-like glands at the base of the promi-nent hairy labellum to lure the excited male wasp to land on the labellum before engaging in its pollination service. The intriguing, yet cruel, life styles of other wasps are worth illustrating. Although the exotic European and

English wasps (family Vespidae) are notorious for stinging to protect their nests and hunt caterpillars to feed their larvae, they do have a redeeming attribute by way of pollinating sweet nectar bearing blooms. The adult, blue sand wasps and digger wasps (family Sphecidae) also feed on nectar,

which provides them energy for impaling their para-lysed prey on their sting or mandibles prior to flying to their ground mud nest. The yellow banded ichneumon wasp and caterpillar wasp (Ichneumonidae) are impor-tant contributors not only as pollinators but also as natural pest controllers (parasites) working to reduce the numbers of destructive caterpillars. The adult sawflies (family Pergidae), a variety of non stinging wasp, are also active pollinators of flowers. Their caterpillar–like larva (spitfires) feed destructively on native plants and often form tight clusters which defensively spit acrid liquids. The flying duck-orchid (Caleana major) has mimicked the female wasps by employing their upside-down flowers, which have a pouch formed by broad columnar wings. When the insect lands the labellum is triggered to plug the pouch trapping the insect. Here the insect transfers its pollen and collects further pollen before being freed. It should be noted that ants are poor pollinators, due to their lack of body hair and tendency to damage the pollen during its transport. ____________________________________________

Wasp pollinating Chiloglottis sp

Thynnid wasp pollinating a Ham-mer Orchid

2 F.P.Schiestl, et al., The Chemistry of Deception in an Orchid-Wasp Pollination System Science Oct 17, 2003

Autumn 2010 No. 49 - Understorey Network· bee flies (Bombyliidae), bow flies (Calliphoridae), hover flies (Syrphidae), soldier flies (Stratiomyidae), bristle flies (Tachinidae), - [PDF Document] (6)


Propagation Pointers

Family Name ASTERACEAE (COMPOSITAE ) Species Name Vittadinia V. australasica var. oricola; V.cuneata var. cuneata; V.gracilis; V.muelleri (including Vittadinia burbidgeae)

Common Name New Holland Daisies Vittadinia grows in Tasmania in dry stony areas and has a hard leathery cover around its seed, which means it will be diffi-cult to germinate with out some form of treatment as the seed is impervious to water. All Vittadinia species are rare or endangered and a permit is required in order to collect seed Seed treatment Soak seeds in boiling water overnight before planting. Some species have best results at lower

temperatures. Abrasion of the seed by rubbing it between some coarse sand paper just to break the leather coating with out damaging the seed. Some times plants that grow in dry areas need the bog treatment. Sow the seed in pots and place into container filled with water about 1/3 of the way up the pots. Do not water from the top.

Propagation notes For best results with daisies surface sowing allows maximum light to trigger germination. Sur-face sow or lightly cover. Be patient as some plants just require a dormant period and can take up to 12 months to germi-nate.

Seed sowing months

February, March

Growers, if you have propagated this species and can further add to the information provided we would very much appreci-

ate hearing from you. Please email us at [emailprotected]

And if you have a request for propagation pointers for a specific species please let us know and we will feature this species in the next edition.

King Island in Bass Strait is a stopover site for the orange bellied parrot (the OBP) migrating from its breeding grounds in South-West Tasma-nia to feeding grounds in southern mainland Aus-tralia. The bird is dependant on coastal vegeta-tion for roosting and feeding, while it conserves energy to continue its migration north. Prior to this project, protection and rehabilitation of known stopover sites on the Island was in pro-gressing with fencing, and revegetation with large roosting shrubs and trees. There was also a need to infill some of these areas with smaller forage plants. This project was initiated by the Understorey Network to combine the propagation of suitable food plants with community education. It is im-portant to increase awareness and understand-ing of the habitat requirements of the orange bel-lied parrot, as its survival depends on the good-will of local inhabitants to protect and rehabilitate coastal stopover sites. Cutting material and seeds from several species of saltmarsh plants were collected on the Island and propagation techniques trialled at the com-munity nursery in Hobart. Several forage plants were relatively straight forward and easy to propagate from seed (coastal daisies, buzzies, sedges). However the glassworts proved more difficult, with the samphire (Sarcocornia quinque-flora) growing best from cuttings. One of the key

forage plants, the shrubby glasswort (Sclersetigia arbuscula), failed to thrive after striking very slowly, and seed was not available at the time of seed collection on the island. This information was passed onto local residents and several school classes through propagation workshops, and approximately 5-600 plants were then grown on the island for planting in the es-tablished revegetation sites. The combined process of running hands-on workshops and growing plants has increased awareness amongst local King Island residents of the importance of protecting and rehabilitating the coastal stopover sites essential to the migra-tion and survival of the OBP.

Planting cuttings of glassworts at a community

Workshop on King Island



Autumn 2010 No. 49 - Understorey Network· bee flies (Bombyliidae), bow flies (Calliphoridae), hover flies (Syrphidae), soldier flies (Stratiomyidae), bristle flies (Tachinidae), - [PDF Document] (7)


The North-East Understorey Network secured funding through NRM North‘s Small Grant Scheme to conduct a Bushland Management Workshop. The workshop was delivered by Anna Povey from Bushway‘s Environmental Services and well attended by USN members and the wider community. Topics covered included: seed collection, weed identification, fire management, native plant identification, fauna habitat & aware-ness. The morning session was held at the Sca-mander sports complex and the afternoon fol-lowed with a guided walk through the Winifred Curtis Reserve by Anna, and Paul Frater, a local horticulturalist and Winifred Curtis Trustee.

Scamander has an incredible diversity of plants that make it truly unique and special to the area. The Winifred Cur-tis Reserve is a 75 hectare private nature reserve. The reserve is the last intact remnant of dry sclerophyll bush-land, marshland and heathland in the Break O'Day Municipality. The area was greatly affected by the bush fires of 2006/2007 and is currently a won-derful place to observe the regenera-tion of native plants following bush fire. There are over 300 species of native flora and 80 species of land and water based birds. There are over 7kms of easy walking tracks encom-passing 16 ecosystems and the group followed the tracks during the time spent exploring the reserve and iden-tifying the various plant groupings.

The workshop was a great opportunity to bring together North-East Understorey Network mem-bers and like-minded people who share an inter-est in the natural environment. The workshop provided an opportunity for instruction on how to identify and collect seed from local plant species and how to propagate the seed successfully. It also provided a time for the group to explore the diversity of the natural landscape of the Winifred Curtis Reserve, plus a private garden, with the guidance of a professional horticulturalist. It was also an opportunity to promote membership of the Understorey Network to those who were unfamil-iar with its aims and goals.

The achievement of the workshop was in educating community mem-bers about local plant communi-ties, encouraging membership of the Understorey Network, and cre-ating a stronger network of inter-ested parties. A very worthwhile undertaking that was found both enjoyable and educational by all the attendees according to the feedback received. Alison Hugo


Autumn 2010 No. 49 - Understorey Network· bee flies (Bombyliidae), bow flies (Calliphoridae), hover flies (Syrphidae), soldier flies (Stratiomyidae), bristle flies (Tachinidae), - [PDF Document] (8)


Indigenous students from St Helens District High School have started a program to build Aborigi-nal cultural awareness with support from NRM North. Working with local Elder, Gloria An-drews, the Understorey Network's Kids Caring for Coasts Project and the Conservation Volun-teers Vodafone School‘s Green Connect Pro-gram, the students have started growing plants for a Bush Tucker Garden. They also learnt about the cultural importance of natural re-sources on the East Coast. Community Support Officer at Break O‘Day, Al-ison Hugo, said ―The Bush Tucker Garden Pro-ject links indigenous students with local native flora, it's use, value and purpose through cul-tural exchange‖. The school is looking forward to continuing the Bush Tucker Garden Project in 2010, with a fo-cus on Aboriginal cultural leadership within the school.


I am very happy to report that while I was pretty devastated when Ruth told me she would be leaving the USN we have been able to fill her po-sition with two excellent part-time coordinators. Oliver Strutt, whom many of you would know from some of the field days he has run, and Natalie Holman. They are each working two days a week for us. We have been lucky to secure the services of two people with, between them, a lot of experi-ence in the various aspects of natural resource management with particular reference to the workings of the Understorey Network. They have both hit the ground running and I am very optimis-tic about the USN‘s future. By now those of you who are growers must be looking forward to handing over your plants in the next month or two. If any of you have too many plants, or have had some failures, please let Oliver or Natalie know so swaps of plants may be arranged. Please do not feel inadequate if you have had some massive failures;… we all do from time to time and it is probably not your fault! After the wet winter we had it has seemed strange to have a summer when watering has been neces-sary almost every day (but what a great summer!) Thank you very much, growers, after all this is the core of what the USN is all about. For those of you who have ‗grown‘ for the first time I hope you enjoyed it and realise how clever you are! Now we look forward to a season of planting with adequate rain at the right time, and to the pleas-ure of watching plants grow. Happy planting!


Anne Griffiths

Would you like to learn how to process and save the seeds from Tasmanian native plants, while also con-tributing in a valuable way to the Understorey Net-work? Come along to one (or all) of our free work-shops to be held on the third Wednesday of each month at the Hobart CBD office of the Understorey Network. It will be 'hands-on' processing and storing of this seasons seed. No prior skill is necessary. There is no need to bring anything nor any need to come for the whole time—just drop in when you are available, morning tea will be provided. As we found last year it should prove to be a sociable learning experience and a good chance to meet other Network members and our new coordinators. Look forward to seeing you there.

When: Wed 21 April, 19 May, 16 June, 21 July

Time: 10am—1pm Where: Understorey Network Office 148B Elizabeth St, Hobart Contact: [emailprotected]


Sandford Hall, Sandford

When: Sunday 18 April 10am

Propagation from seeds and cuttings

Sisters Beach

When: Saturday 8th May 10am—12:30pm

Propagating native plants from cuttings For more information or to RSVP please contact Oliver on 03 62344286 or 0407 352 479 or email [emailprotected]

WHAT’S HAPPENING Seed Saving Workshops

Autumn 2010 No. 49 - Understorey Network · bee flies (Bombyliidae), bow flies (Calliphoridae), hover flies (Syrphidae), soldier flies (Stratiomyidae), bristle flies (Tachinidae), - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.